4 Harsh Truths Millenials Need To Know About Life

Pressure from family and peers lead me to ask… Why am I doing this? What do I really want?…

Too often I’ve been in conversations with peers that come across frustrated and confused… Turns out they were following what they thought was sound advice. But they weren’t fulfilled, If you’re a millennial too it’s no coincidence… Being a millennial you may struggle to find solid direction in life, your parents may have given you the advice along the lines of ‘get good grades, get a secure job, get married and have kids before you’re 30 etc..’.  I was in the same boat and changed direction when I uncovered these hidden truths: 

  1. Develop your skills: The school system is based on getting your 9-5 job, but they don’t teach you about money and developing tangible skills to be valued in the market place.  Reading, writing and maths are the base but after that which direction are you going to take?… Learning continues even after you’ve left school, college and university.

2. Finding what you’re good at: Have you ever thought of breaking out of the pattern of being told what to do and actually doing what you want to do (we are often so engrained with going through the motions that we don’t think from a perspective of our self-interest)… The difference between security and freedom; Taking on the steady paying job vs spreading your message through knowledge and passion or starting your own business… What sort of things have you always wanted to pursue?

3. Don’t be afraid to fall forward; Failure is a good thing. We often are taught to be overly cautious or worried about what others may think if we get something wrong. i.e If we have several business ideas and we’re afraid to execute on them because of our conservative thinking… We should shift our meaning of failure as ‘valuable feedback’.

4.Discipline: Consistently taking daily action. This has been easier having personal rules and goals to govern your actions avoiding letting your feelings and emotions take over (regardless if you have a good or bad day). i.e small things like not checking your phone (eliminating distractions) and saying no to selective social activities.

It’s important to understand how your inner programming from childhood is impacting your lifestyle today… good news is you can change and get even better results.

Having this self-awareness plays a massive part In determining how successful you are… Look back and figure out what beliefs you have that don’t serve your goals and change them.